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Costco Craziness

Disclaimer: My sister was sitting beside me as this happened

If anyone's driven to Costco on a day before a big holiday, then you know how chaotic the parking lot can be. 
Today, I was sitting in my car, idling, while waiting for a man to back out of his parking spot. I thought he was going to leave quickly, since he had just gotten into his car and started his car, but that was not the case. I started to notice the car to my right and realized I was better off taking the spot of the car to my right, so I began to back up and I gave myself and the car beside me, plenty of room. While the car to my right was leaving his spot, the car I was first waiting for decides he NOW has to back up, too! Along with another car to my left!I could have been annoyed, but instead I saw this as a great opportunity.
I now had choices. 
However, as I was still sitting waiting for what were now three cars to leave their spots, a car to my left was leaving their spot, and was not stopping. I was suddenly in panic mode, and I began honking like a madwoman: "HELLO. PLEASE DO NOT HURT ME. HELLO. I AM HERE." She didn't seem to notice until the very last second, and someone else had to honk at her to get her attention, and I was sitting there, wailing in agony, "I just want to park somewhere! That's all I want!" 
After what felt like the longest three minutes of my life, I finally pulled into my parking spot and saw the woman waiting for me, behind my car. I locked my car, said to myself, "Ohhhhhh no. Please leave. Please just drive off. Please." She was shaking her finger at me and I feared the worst. 

Just then, she got out of her car. I panicked, trying to think of what I could say to get her to leave me alone. Then she came up to my window, which I rolled down out of pure fear. I came to find that she had only approached my car to ask if I had been hit, or if I was okay. I let out a huge sigh of relief, and let her know that I was okay, and that I appreciated her checking up on me. She apologized, got back into her car, and drove off.

I sat in my seat trying to process what had just happened, then smiled. I gathered my things, grabbed my coffee frappuchino and headed for the entrance.

I was definitely spooked by my small feat for a parking spot, but I also feel grateful that it happened. This woman could have come out her car, lectured me, but instead she wanted to make sure my sister and I were okay.

The take away: We live in a world where small actions make a big difference, and I'm thankful for the encounter I had today with the friendly woman who almost nailed me and my car, surrounded by four other cars, in a Costco parking lot, the day before Independence Day. 


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