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Catching them all, Mustang to Elephant, Family

A short but sweet update:

So first of all, I'd like to give a huge shout out to Niantic for creating such a cool way to interact with pokemon. That being said, I am thrilled to announce that the park closest to my house has 9 levels, with a team I am not on (cough, red team, cough), and has a level that far exceeds the level of my highest pokemon. Will I catch 'em all? You bet. Just not today. And probably not this week, either.

The second subject in line comes the mascot transition. For four years, I was a mustang, then a Gaucho, and finally I am going to be an Elephant. A Titan, if you will. I attended my school's orientation a few days ago and it only got me more excited to start school! I have a planner, a name tag, a cool oversized sweater that I've already worn more than twice now, and a bag that I'm pretty sure will serve as a laundry bag when I travel. Can you tell I'm excited? I showed everyone my school ID, I was ecstatic.

And finally, family. My dad is away traveling the world, Asia to be exact, and I am planning on visiting some extended family members in the days to come. Ever since all of our lives got busier, it has becoming seemingly difficult to plan family reunions, but I'm determined to not let this one fall through the cracks seeing as they're from Hawaii and I usually see them once every two years!!! So yeah, that's coming up.

See you next week.


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