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Showing posts from 2016

Catching them all, Mustang to Elephant, Family

A short but sweet update: So first of all, I'd like to give a huge shout out to Niantic for creating such a cool way to interact with pokemon. That being said, I am thrilled to announce that the park closest to my house has 9 levels, with a team I am not on (cough, red team, cough), and has a level that far exceeds the level of my highest pokemon. Will I catch 'em all? You bet. Just not today. And probably not this week, either. The second subject in line comes the mascot transition. For four years, I was a mustang, then a Gaucho, and finally I am going to be an Elephant. A Titan, if you will. I attended my school's orientation a few days ago and it only got me more excited to start school! I have a planner, a name tag, a cool oversized sweater that I've already worn more than twice now, and a bag that I'm pretty sure will serve as a laundry bag when I travel. Can you tell I'm excited? I showed everyone my school ID, I was ecstatic. And finally, family. My

Costco Craziness

Disclaimer: My sister was sitting beside me as this happened If anyone's driven to Costco on a day before a big holiday, then you know how chaotic the parking lot can be.  Today, I was sitting in my car, idling, while waiting for a man to back out of his parking spot. I thought he was going to leave quickly, since he had just gotten into his car and started his car, but that was not the case. I started to notice the car to my right and realized I was better off taking the spot of the car to my right, so I began to back up and I gave myself and the car beside me, plenty of room. While the car to my right was leaving his spot, the car I was first waiting for decides he NOW has to back up, too! Along with another car to my left!I could have been annoyed, but instead I saw this as a great opportunity. I now had choices.  However, as I was still sitting waiting for what were now three cars to leave their spots, a car to my left was leaving their spot, and was not stopping. I was su

A Clean Slate

Hi there!  I'm Keri. I always start one of these but for whatever reason, cannot follow through with them.  Blogs are always so fun in the beginning, but then later feel like a chore. The everlasting goal of creating one of these is so that I can find something to write about and look back on whenever I'd like. I decided to give this blog a theme so that it is something concrete and not just something floating around in space that will eventually disappear.  Like the title of this post says, I will be attending a four-year college come August of this year, studying Psychology with a focus in Child Autism. I have technically been a college student since 2012, but because I was at a junior college for four years, I haven't experienced the rigorous, brain-numbing, exciting chapter that is attending a four-year college. I'm more than excited to be a part of a great community and to surround myself with people who are committed and delighted to be at school.  Througho